
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #180256


Other: Regarding biking etiquette in Bloomington...my husband and I walk the wonderful trails almost daily, through all the seasons. We are truly appreciative of these trails. We are perplexed and sometimes frightened by the lack of biking etiquette displayed on the trails. Almost daily, we are startled by someone passing us at a high rate of speed without any warning. I have nearly "fallen off" the trail more than once. I am grateful I have not sprained an ankle...or worse (yet) I know there would be some cost involved, but honestly, isn't pedestrian safety worth it? I have serious osteoporosis. If I am hit, unwittingly, by a biker who did not show the common courtesy of giving an "on your left" warning" in time for us to move quickly out the way, it could be life-changing for me and many other walkers, especially the elderly. How about a sign posted in a prominent place on each trail educating bikers of their responsibility to ride responsibly? Sure, they may speed past the signs, but perhaps if posted where they are getting ready to ride, they may read them and consider the safety of the walkers they are speeding past (and sometimes weaving around) Of course the same should be assumed for electric vehicles. Walkers need, and deserve, a fair warning of anyone approaching. Let's not let someone break a hip or worse before we address this. Thank you for listening and for the work you do to make Bloomington an awesome place to live! Eileen Caird


6/9/2022 09:22:52 Closed by Tim Street

Thank you for the report! This was also passed along to us from the Mayor at the Market. We are currently coordinating with a few city departments about this issue, especially as it pertains to the increase in bikes (especially e-bikes). We are planing to work on this!

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=180256 Closed by Tim Street Thank you for the report! This was also passed along to us from the Mayor at the Market. We are currently coordinating with a few city departments about this issue, especially as it pertains to the increase in bikes (especially e-bikes). We are planing to work on this!

6/8/2022 19:37:44 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=180256 Anonymous assigned this case to Paula McDevitt You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

6/8/2022 19:37:44 Opened by Anonymous