1/10/2024 12:14:59 Closed by Anonymous
Hello John,
I apologize for my delayed response.
The City Engineering Department is leading the design for changes to High Street from approximately Hunter Ave to Arden.
I realize there was previously a marked crosswalk. They are looking at improving the pedestrian crossing at Hunter Ave. Because the project is currently in the design phase, and several crossing improvements are being considered for that intersection.
Here is the project website for the Hight Street multiuse path (which will include improvements at the intersection with Hunter Ave): https://bloomington.in.gov/engineering/projects/highstreet
If you would like to reach out to the project manager directly, here is his contact information: Neil Kopper
(812) 349-3593 or koppern@bloomington.in.gov
Thank you,
Beth Rosenbarger
Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
Closed by Beth Rosenbarger
Hello John,
I apologize for my delayed response.
The City Engineering Department is leading the design for changes to High Street from approximately Hunter Ave to Arden.
I realize there was previously a marked crosswalk. They are looking at improving the pedestrian crossing at Hunter Ave. Because the project is currently in the design phase, and several crossing improvements are being considered for that intersection.
Here is the project website for the Hight Street multiuse path (which will include improvements at the intersection with Hunter Ave): https://bloomington.in.gov/engineering/projects/highstreet
If you would like to reach out to the project manager directly, here is his contact information: Neil Kopper
(812) 349-3593 or koppern@bloomington.in.gov
Thank you,
Beth Rosenbarger
8/28/2022 11:51:25 Anonymous assigned this case to Anonymous
Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
Anonymous assigned this case to Beth Rosenbarger
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