
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #182230


Other: My petition. Indiana Section 31. I suggest a letter to Biden for a X mass truce be made to Putin. With the facts related to Havana syndrome & Post cold war Psychotronics & the dangers of Hitlers Phone bridge affect synergnic reactions of radio frequency & near magnetic field bone conduction induced tinnitus and Voice & Concerns about Clinton judgement influence via her disposition & her voting record for war & or bengazy post the ignored directives of Minamata convention on Dental Mercury Silver conductive Amalgams. Lets tell Putin You those whom supported her are sorry she made the statement Putins Like Hitler. It would be a nice thank you to all the veterans disrespected from Antifa & BLM defacing the POW MIA Wall down down as they was let to camp on the court house lawn as they bad mouthed the US Military. I wonder if Elon Musk would agree as he defends NeuroLink in the investigation more so after Biden Joke 2005 about Mark My Words to the Pending FISA Courts Justice Roberts

Assigned to
Melissa Hirtzel


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6390d3c6e285b 12/7/2022


12/7/2022 14:22:43 Closed by Melissa Hirtzel

This has been shared with the Administration.

Sent notification to Melissa Hirtzel, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=182230 Closed by Melissa Hirtzel This has been shared with the Administration.

12/7/2022 12:56:22 Anonymous assigned this case to Melissa Hirtzel

Sent notification to Melissa Hirtzel, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=182230 Anonymous assigned this case to Melissa Hirtzel You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

12/7/2022 12:56:22 Opened by Anonymous