
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Can't Fix #184794


Other: Next week the Roger's School will start. The school, since August of 2021, has instructed parents to drop off and pick up students to and from the parents' vehicles by using the 1st St entrance off S High St to the Faculty and Staff parking area. This is a drive-through use which is not allowed in the MI zone. Variance V-17-14 addressed this issue stating that the central area to the east of Rogers School was to be used for student drop off and pick up and that the west parking area was to be used by only the Faculty and Staff. This was clearing stated in both the Planning Staff report and testimony as well as the MCCSC representatives' letters and under oath testimony. This restriction of no student drop off and pickup in the west parking area was a continuation of the policy that MCCSC agreed to with the City several years earlier. The west parking area has a gate and signs that limit access to Faculty and Staff only. In August of 2021, MCCSC and Roger's School started to allow student drop off and pickup in the west parking area has a Covid related safety issues. The Roger's Principal stated that this drop off and pickup policy would be temporary. The Covid issue is no longer relevant but the drop off and pickup continues. As a result, at the school start and end times, S High St is often backed up to the 2nd and Maxwell Streets intersections. E 1st street is backed up past Clifton and the driveways on 1st Street are blocked. I ask the City to enforce the UDO and the variance statements. Student drop off and pickup by parents in vehicles should be restricted to the central area only. This was the plan as stated by the City and MCCSC and is consistent with not allowing drive-throughs in the MI zone.

Assigned to
Ryan Robling


8/14/2023 10:55:16 Closed by Ryan Robling

Mr. Pilachowski, Thank you for your uReport regarding the recent use of the west parking area for student drop off and pick up at Rogers Elementary. The variance granted in 2014 did not include a specific condition attached to it that exclusively restricted the west parking area for faculty and staff use. While the intended use of parking areas was discussed during the variance process, it wasn't explicitly incorporated as part of the variance approval or outlined as a condition for approval. Additionally, the current use does not meet the definition of a "drive-through" which is defined as A facility, building feature, or equipment at which an occupant of a vehicle may make use of the service or business without leaving their vehicle. This use includes drive-by parcel pickup facilities. We understand your concerns about traffic congestion and driveway blockages during school start and end times. We will continue to review the situation. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you, Ryan Robling Planning Services Manager 812-349-3459

Sent notification to Ryan Robling, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=184794 Closed by Ryan Robling Mr. Pilachowski, Thank you for your uReport regarding the recent use of the west parking area for student drop off and pick up at Rogers Elementary. The variance granted in 2014 did not include a specific condition attached to it that exclusively restricted the west parking area for faculty and staff use. While the intended use of parking areas was discussed during the variance process, it wasn't explicitly incorporated as part of the variance approval or outlined as a condition for approval. Additionally, the current use does not meet the definition of a "drive-through" which is defined as A facility, building feature, or equipment at which an occupant of a vehicle may make use of the service or business without leaving their vehicle. This use includes drive-by parcel pickup facilities. We understand your concerns about traffic congestion and driveway blockages during school start and end times. We will continue to review the situation. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you, Ryan Robling Planning Services Manager 812-349-3459

8/1/2023 09:08:46 Anonymous assigned this case to Ryan Robling

Hi Ryan, Can you look into this? Thank you, Beth

Sent notification to Ryan Robling, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=184794 Beth Rosenbarger assigned this case to Ryan Robling You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Hi Ryan, Can you look into this? Thank you, Beth

7/28/2023 09:17:56 Adam Wason assigned this case to Anonymous

Beth - Sounds like a UDO issue possibly. Can you all coordinate with Mayor's Office on this?

Sent notification to Anonymous, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=184794 Adam Wason assigned this case to Beth Rosenbarger You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Beth - Sounds like a UDO issue possibly. Can you all coordinate with Mayor's Office on this?

7/27/2023 15:24:20 Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason

Sent notification to Adam Wason, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=184794 Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

7/27/2023 15:24:20 Opened by Anonymous

E 1st St & S High St, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA


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