1/24/2024 09:13:27 Closed by Christina Smith
These are private lights and DPW will contact the property owner of the outages. I have updated the uReport accordingly.
Sent notification to Christina Smith
Closed by Christina Smith
These are private lights and DPW will contact the property owner of the outages. I have updated the uReport accordingly.
1/24/2024 09:08:57 Christina Smith followed up on this ticket
Thank you for contacting the City of Bloomington Department of Public Works regarding street light outages. The decorative street lights along W 7th St near the vintage clothes shop are privately owned and maintained. I will try to contact the owner of the building and inform the owner of the outages. Since these are private lights, it may take a little while for them to be repaired. Again, thank you for the report and have a great day!
Sent notification to Christina Smith
Christina Smith followed up on this ticket
Thank you for contacting the City of Bloomington Department of Public Works regarding street light outages. The decorative street lights along W 7th St near the vintage clothes shop are privately owned and maintained. I will try to contact the owner of the building and inform the owner of the outages. Since these are private lights, it may take a little while for them to be repaired. Again, thank you for the report and have a great day!
1/24/2024 09:10:09 Adam Wason assigned this case to Christina Smith
Chris -
Are the two lights on the north side of 7th, west of Morton, by the old train depot public or private?
Sent notification to Christina Smith
Adam Wason assigned this case to Christina Smith
You can use the link to follow progress on this case.
Chris -
Are the two lights on the north side of 7th, west of Morton, by the old train depot public or private?
1/24/2024 08:17:05 Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason
Sent notification to Adam Wason
Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason
You can use the link to follow progress on this case.