
City of Bloomington, Indiana

open #186887

Bus Services (Bloomington Transit):

Other: The busses on the #2 route need to be cleaned or swapped out for newer models. Many of the seats are stained and you can't tell if it is safe to sit down, not knowing if it is a "fresh" spill or an old stain. And would it be possible to use some different busses? We get the same old busses every day, while other routes get the newer, nicer, cleaner electric models.

Assigned to
John Connell


1/25/2024 10:07:47 Anonymous assigned this case to John Connell

Sent notification to John Connell
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=186887 Anonymous assigned this case to John Connell You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/25/2024 10:07:47 Opened by Anonymous