
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #189017

Fire Hazards:

Other: There is an encampment to the east of Somersbe along the access road that runs parallel to Rogers Road that is hazardous and toxic. Earlier in the summer this was reported anonymously for fear of retaliation. Apparently 3 entities own the property - the city, county, and a railroad. All that has happened so far to address this problem is a huge dumpster being moved to the access road and MORE people moving to the encampment when Switchyard Park was cleared. I am sending a plea for clean up. I am not representing specific people in the Somersbe neighborhood, but alerting your office to the issues that have been discussed. This morning open fires were burning along the access road. There is garbage, human and animal waste, unleaded dogs, along with illegal camping sites. At the beginning of June 2024 police were called because of a disturbance including threats of murder, and the fire department was called because of all the smoke. Our backyards are no longer safe, it is difficult to sleep with open windows or be in our yards or on our decks because of the smoke, screaming, and safety of being chased. This apparently happened to at least 2 residents this summer. A dumpster does not equate to crisis management. It is difficult to communicate when we have to do it anonymously for fear of retribution. I am not being redundant, I am providing documentation.

Assigned to
Michael Diekhoff


6/20/2024 06:51:47 Closed by Roger Kerr

need to call 911 when the fires are happening

Sent notification to Michael Diekhoff
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=189017 Closed by Roger Kerr need to call 911 when the fires are happening

6/20/2024 06:50:57 Roger Kerr assigned this case to Michael Diekhoff

Just wanted you to be aware of this.

Sent notification to Michael Diekhoff
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=189017 Roger Kerr assigned this case to Michael Diekhoff You can use the link to follow progress on this case. Just wanted you to be aware of this.

6/19/2024 11:14:35 Anonymous assigned this case to Roger Kerr

Sent notification to Roger Kerr
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=189017 Anonymous assigned this case to Roger Kerr You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

6/19/2024 11:14:35 Opened by Anonymous