
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #190037

City Performance:

Other: Saw someone yell at/harass a city employee for being properly pulled over with flashing lights and hazards while picking up trash signage along the road and in sidewalk area after the storm, and now that everything has calmed down I wanted to report that here. As a resident, I would like to know that the administration is supporting these civil servants that are overworked and underpaid and doing the tiring, thankless work that administrations and councils make their jobs. Are you all making it clear to those bad actors in town that behavior such as that is not tolerated? With doxing online and such short tempers, things seem to only continue to escalate with those who are displeased with government in general. Are the City workers we need being protected in their day to day? I would like to thank those cleaning up the roads, reducing needless signage and trash, and ensuring everything stays clean and out of the storm system. All those many groups residents see out every day seem to go unnoticed but are so crucial to maintaining Bloomington. Thanks for your consideration and time.

Assigned to
Adam Wason


7/9/2024 15:41:42 Closed by Adam Wason

Thank you for reporting. Supervisors and City leadership have a focus on employee support and gratitude.

Sent notification to Adam Wason
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=190037 Closed by Adam Wason Thank you for reporting. Supervisors and City leadership have a focus on employee support and gratitude.

7/3/2024 22:05:32 Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason

Sent notification to Adam Wason
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=190037 Anonymous assigned this case to Adam Wason You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

7/3/2024 22:05:32 Opened by Anonymous