
City of Bloomington, Indiana

open #193696

Traffic Related Complaints:

Other: Hello, I am wondering if there is anything the city can do to slow traffic heading west on Rogers toward High Street. There are pedestrian crossing signs and a flashing yellow light near the traffic circle at High Street, but this doesn't stop drivers from flying down the hill at dangerous speeds, and it's difficult for them to see people waiting to cross near the traffic circle. At least there is a crossing guard here in the morning and the afternoon during the school months. My major concern is that many drivers don't stop or even slow down for the pedestrian crossing at Rogers/The Stands Dr., and many people travel at 40+ mph here. My kids (and many others) walk and bike here all the time and I constantly worry about them because of the speeds at which people drive. Speed humps or rumble strips might help here. I would really appreciate it if the city would investigate and come up with a solution (and I'm sure many others would as well). Thank you.

Assigned to
Hank Duncan
Complaint Type


9/23/2024 13:55:41 Neil Kopper assigned this case to Hank Duncan

Sent notification to Hank Duncan, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=193696 Neil Kopper assigned this case to Hank Duncan You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

9/23/2024 12:10:25 Cheyenne Bowlen assigned this case to Neil Kopper

Sent notification to Neil Kopper, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=193696 Cheyenne Bowlen assigned this case to Neil Kopper You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

9/23/2024 12:00:51 Anonymous assigned this case to Cheyenne Bowlen

Sent notification to Cheyenne Bowlen, Anonymous
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=193696 Anonymous assigned this case to Cheyenne Bowlen You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

9/23/2024 12:00:51 Opened by Anonymous

Rogers Rd & Winding Brook Circle


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