
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #200580

Parking Meters and Citations:

Other: Sine there is no section PARKING VIOLATIONS so I chose this category. Please forward to the correct category superviser. The Red Ford Truck has been parked at 619 S Eastside Drive forever. The owner lives at 612. This truck has not been moved for 3 days continually and is on public property. It probably has not been moved in all the years that has been sitting there a 1000 times for 3 days. According to the Bloomington Municipal Code that makes it an abandoned vehicle. The owner will say it is not abandoned, but then you need to change the definition of 'abandoned vehicle' in your code. On top of this, this vehicle has a license plate that expired more than a year ago. The owner also owns a white sedan which has a license plate that expired more than a year ago as well.

Assigned to
Raye Ann Cox


1/28/2025 11:10:44 Closed by Raye Ann Cox

Sending a parking officer to investigate

Sent notification to Raye Ann Cox
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=200580 Closed by Raye Ann Cox Sending a parking officer to investigate

1/28/2025 10:37:02 Anonymous assigned this case to Raye Ann Cox

Sent notification to Raye Ann Cox
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=200580 Anonymous assigned this case to Raye Ann Cox You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/28/2025 10:37:02 Opened by Anonymous

619 S Eastside Drive

Neighborhood AssociationEastside

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