
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #200581

Parking Meters and Citations:

Other: No category for 'Parking violations' so please forward this to the right person. Since 1993, when the owner moved to this address, his white truck has been parked in the driveway at 612 S Eastside Drive. As can been seen in the picture from Elevate, it was there too when this picture was taken in 2015. It definitely is 3 or more model years old. The last license sticker that can be seen on it dates from 1975. So it clearly has been in the same location, visible from the street, for more than 20 days (Code 15.04.020 (6): Abandoned Vehicle. The question is: is it mechanically inoperable? That is up to the owner to prove when you ask him to.

Assigned to
Raye Ann Cox


Manage Attachments
6798fc08381dc 1/28/2025


2/13/2025 08:32:49 Closed by Raye Ann Cox

The driveway is considered private property, the owner can have a vehicle in their driveway as long as they like. The abandoned vehicle ordinance is for on street parking.

Sent notification to Raye Ann Cox
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=200581 Closed by Raye Ann Cox The driveway is considered private property, the owner can have a vehicle in their driveway as long as they like. The abandoned vehicle ordinance is for on street parking.

2/13/2025 08:14:18 Opened by Raye Ann Cox

The driveway is considered private property, the owner can have a vehicle in their driveway as long as they like. The abandoned vehicle ordinance is for on street parking.

Sent notification to Raye Ann Cox
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=200581 Opened by Raye Ann Cox The driveway is considered private property, the owner can have a vehicle in their driveway as long as they like. The abandoned vehicle ordinance is for on street parking.

1/28/2025 11:11:28 Closed by Raye Ann Cox

sending a parking officer to investigate

Sent notification to Raye Ann Cox
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=200581 Closed by Raye Ann Cox sending a parking officer to investigate

1/28/2025 10:47:20 Anonymous assigned this case to Raye Ann Cox

Sent notification to Raye Ann Cox
https://bloomington.in.gov/crm/tickets/view?ticket_id=200581 Anonymous assigned this case to Raye Ann Cox You can use the link to follow progress on this case.

1/28/2025 10:47:20 Opened by Anonymous

612 S Eastside Drive

Neighborhood AssociationEastside

Other cases for this location

StatusCase DateCategory
closed1/28/2025Parking on Unimproved Surface