
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #54141

Traffic Related Complaints: Request

Other: This complaint is in lieu of a letter that Mr. Brostoff was to submit to the Traffic Commission requesting that the existing loading zone sign in front of 1200 N. College be removed and the parking revert back to 2 hour. Brostoff moved his business to this address within the last few months. There was an existing loading zone sign in front of his business. He does not need this loading zone and would like to have the parking space for customers.


5/9/2000 05:00:00 Closed by Anonymous

[data cleanup] Closing date was missing and has been provided by the system as a best guess

5/9/2000 05:00:00 Jane Fleig inspected this Location

This request was taken to the Traffic Commission on 5/24/00 and approved. By 90 Day Order, the City removed the Loading Zone and the parking reverted back to 2 Hour parking. This request will go onto the next ordinance that needs to go before the City Council.

5/9/2000 05:00:00 Opened by Anonymous

1200 N College AVE


Other cases for this location

StatusCase DateCategory
closed1/7/2021Parking Meters and Citations
closed9/30/2020Parking Meters and Citations
closed3/12/1996Traffic Related Complaints
closed3/12/1996Traffic Related Complaints