
City of Bloomington, Indiana

closed: Resolved #70504

Traffic Related Complaints: Request

He called to offer support of the letter sent by Tom Frohman re: the problems associated with the Park and Ride program at Bryan Park. He lives on the corner of Maxwell and Manor and feels it is quite unsafe for the people who walk that street (to get to the park) to have to negotiate around parked cars. Also the people visiting the park in cars don't have places to park. IU should bear more of the responsibility.


9/20/1996 05:00:00 Closed by Jane Fleig

9/20/1996 05:00:00 Jane Fleig commented on this case.

I explained that we are meeting with Carlisle on Monday morning to try to negotiate an agreement to use their parking lot because we are quite aware of the problems in the area. We will continue to address the problem. A 90 day order was written on 11/9/96 prohibiting parking on Southdowns. It will be discussed by Traffic Commission on 11/20/96. 9/11/97 - Some possible solutions were presented to the neighborhood last year and were not well received. Another 90 day order was issued on 9/9/97 because the students were beginning to park there again. 12/24/97 -- this is still an unresolved issue that we will continue to monitor but I am going to close this complaint out.

9/20/1996 05:00:00 Opened by Jane Fleig

9/20/1996 05:00:00 Jane Fleig inspected this Location

I explained that we are meeting with Carlisle on Monday morning to try to negotiate an agreement to use their parking lot because we are quite aware of the problems in the area. We will continue to address the problem. A 90 day order was written on 11/9/96 prohibiting parking on Southdowns. It will be discussed by Traffic Commission on 11/20/96. 9/11/97 - Some possible solutions were presented to the neighborhood last year and were not well received. Another 90 day order was issued on 9/9/97 because the students were beginning to park there again. 12/24/97 -- this is still an unresolved issue that we will continue to monitor but I am going to close this complaint out.



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