Blocked Street
3616 S Eddington DR
- Case Date:
- 8/20/2023
The people who live in this house (3616 South Eddington Drive, Bloomington, IN) have turned Eddington Drive into a parking lot. There are at least 9 adults living in this house. Today, they have 4 cars parked in their driveway and 5 cars parked on the street, all the way down to Allendale Dr. Is this occupancy legal . . . is this house a legal "Multiple household dwelling"? This is supposed to be a residential neighborhood, not a student rental area.
Blocked Street
1002 E Atwater AVE
- Case Date:
- 8/21/2023
Residents of 1000/1002 East Atwater have a dunk tank in the alley behind 1002 East Atwater. This is still a platted city alleyway and not private property. Neighbors are subjected to constant “thudding” noises. We would appreciate it if compliance officers/HAND would ask them to move their apparatus out of the alley. Thank you.
Blocked Street
2211 E Woodstock PL
- Case Date:
- 8/26/2023
A large tree has fallen across Woodstock and is blocking the right of way between 2211 and 2210 E Woodstock Place.
Blocked Street
402 E Hillside DR
- Case Date:
- 8/26/2023
downed limbs
Blocked Street
501 S Rogers St, Bloomington, IN 47403, USA
- Case Date:
- 9/5/2023
Parking in no parking, blocks intersection.
Blocked Street
1376 S College Mall RD
- Case Date:
- 9/9/2023
It is practically impossible, as a pedestrian or cyclist to cross S College Mall Road to go west on Moores Pike if you are coming from Kroger.
Blocked Street
3616 S Eddington DR
- Case Date:
- 9/9/2023
These folks park too many cars on the street. You should contact the owner and see how many adults he is renting his house to. I have seen as many as 9 cars parked in their driveway and on the street. One day they had 5 cars parked on Eddington Drive. I'm sure the owner is violating municipal code. 15.37.010 - Definitions. "Single household detached dwelling" means a building designed for the occupancy of no more than five adults unrelated by blood or marriage.
Blocked Street
4302 S Orchard LN
- Case Date:
- 9/18/2023
THIS HAS BEEN REPORTED BEFORE AND NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE> IS MARKED RESOLVED AND CLOSED BUT IS NOT. An unlicensed trailer on street. Blocks views; is dangerous to drivers and pedestrians.
Blocked Street
1120 W Pine Meadows DR
- Case Date:
- 10/18/2023
Homeowner illegally parks trailer on street on a daily basis. Trailer often doesn’t move for weeks at a time.
Blocked Street
227 W Dodds ST
- Case Date:
- 11/2/2023
There is a homeless camp setup on the Allen Street bridge (closed to cars, but not bicycles). They were fairly hostile about me riding my bike through here on my way home from work this afternoon.