closed #135169
Animal Control & Neglected Pets
2030–2066 W Allen St
- Case Date:
- 11/8/2013
Dead raccoon on the road @ 2035 w Allen st
Dead raccoon on the road @ 2035 w Allen st
Grey/light stripes. Less than 2 yr old stray cat. Wandering woodhill dr. No collar.
Dead Deer in median on 46 between foot bridge and College Ave.
My son just moved to a house in Bloomington and discovered upon move in the the house is infested with mice - is there a program in Bloomington for Rodent control that I can contact? Is there a place to report that the landlord has not properly cleaned a house for rental?
neighbor hasn't control cat population for years, has become a nuisance reply- forwarded to animal care and control director Laurie Ringquist
complaining about neighbors uncontrolled cat population reply- forwarded email to animal care and control director
is there a leash law? reply- yes, animal control webpage attached
Many dog owners do not keep their dogs on leashes when they bring them to 9th Street Park & dogs are a problem for her and her cats in her yard. Diana would like more patrol and larger signs to advise/educate park visitors about leash law. xc: Dave Williams
dog pen never cleaned out ...very stinky
Beaver (or muskrat) has built home in storm sewer in easement between First and Wylie. Animal is killing trees. Spoke w/Animal Control, Engineering, DNR, State Fish & Wildlife & police dept., over a week ago. When will animal be trapped and relocated?