- Case Date:
- 2/21/2024
Ar Winslow Park tennis courts people are not letting others play on courts, saying they have "reserved"a court. That is not the way public courts work. Can you consider posting a sign to the effect that these are public courts and are not reservable?
Parks & Playgrounds
1811 S Montclair AVE
- Case Date:
- 2/26/2024
Along the southern edge of South East park there is a brambly thorn bush that is over hanging the sidewalk. Could it please be trimmed back off the sidewalk so pedestrians are scratched by the thorns?
I think the best way to describe the location would the edge of the park nearest the house at 1811 S Montclair.
- Case Date:
- 3/3/2024
Bryan park has no open toilets in a days of 70 degree. How can that be a good management of the park? How is it possible that they are no toilets available?
Parks & Playgrounds
3400 N Headley RD
- Case Date:
- 3/3/2024
We witnessed a gentlemen badly scratch/dent his car today on the concrete block at the overflow entrance while trying to get out of his parking space. There were vehicles parking other vehicles in, vehicles parked along the roadside, and vehicles parked at the exit. In addition all day there seemed to be a line of vehicles waiting to park as well. Might I suggest that there be a shuttle bus from campus to here on the weekends when it is nice, or perhaps a marked trail that is walkable from parking lots further away (the other parking lot was overfull as well), or perhaps have a staff person on site to keep people/property from being damaged due to trying to maneuver in the parking lot.
- Case Date:
- 3/4/2024
I saw people use motorblike go through playground and tennis courts
- Case Date:
- 3/11/2024
The bathroom at lower cascades is locked and it’s spring break. Countless kids are finding a tree to use. Could you open the bathrooms for the season or for atleast spring break? Thanks!
- Case Date:
- 3/16/2024
The playground at Bryan Park off of Henderson St. has an extremely loud swing set that just needs some WD-40 or something! It’s just super loud when used; we can hear it inside of our house across from the park. Thank you!
- Case Date:
- 3/20/2024
Switchyard park has become unsafe. None of my mom friends want to hang out here. There’s men lurking around and sleeping in playground areas , it feels like they are watching the kids. Bloomington has to do something about the homeless situation or at least keep the homeless off the playgrounds!! Very disappointed that this beautiful playground is not safe for kids. At least add More security around playground area
- Case Date:
- 3/28/2024
I’m hope you can add my Eclipse Eve Dance Party to your collection of Eclipse Happenings. It would be greatly appreciated! Chef Daniel Orr
- Case Date:
- 3/30/2024
In your website, do you really mean EST (not EDT) for the times of the eclipse, in this statement: The eclipse begins at 1:49 p.m. Totality takes place at 3:04 p.m. and ends at 3:08 p.m. The eclipse ends at 4:22 p.m. All times given are EST.