
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (51)

open #187366


Case Date:

I regret having to reach out to you regarding this bus #1372.  I boarded this bus on the East route of Route 3 this morning at approximately 7:22 AM on February 19, 2024.  I was informed by Mike Clark of Bloomington Transportation who is the operating manager, that the heater was working on that previous checked bus. Yet the heater is either not on, broken or the driver does not knbow how or desire to turn on the heater for the passenger. Furhter more, she informed me that the door heater was on, but that they do not work on some of the buses, as was the case on this bus this morning. There is no need to make passengers suffer like this.  The bus was NOT cold because of opening & closing the doors as MIke Clark previously suggested when I wrote to him regarding this bus.  The heat was simply not coming out of the overhead vents, there was only cold at the vents & the poles for holding onto were cold as well, indicating it had not been on for some time.  The dispatch operator's boss informed me begrudgingly that the bus was in fact bus #1372.  Since the dispatch operator could not be bothered to assist the driver in operating the heater that was alleged to be operating properly according to Mike Clark, I am forced to issue this complaint to the you the City of Bloomington government for heat on the buses in the Winter to be turned on & operating properly for the buses that do not have a heating system functioning or for the bus drivers who feel that we do not need the heat in the Winter. Sincerely, Timothy MacKLenzie

open #187657


Case Date:

There is a homeless camp behind our subdivision, Shady Acres at 708 S.Cory Lane. They have been walking through here to access the main roads. This is a small subdivision with probably 60% widow and/or single elderly women. We are requesting help in getting this camp removed. Thank you. Susan Scales 812.219.5738

open #187865


Case Date:

I've sent a few uReports about the service not working on my iPhone 14 (the request never fully processes - I never get the "thank you - here's your ticket number". So, I've taken to submitting uReports from my laptop (MacBook Pro, Catalina OS, version 10.15.7, using Chrome Browser) and found additional usability issues. For example, when I click on "find me" within a uReport request, the resulting map takes up the rest of the screen, and will not allow me to scroll down to the "general information" section or to submit the request! To do so, I had to minimize the View Zoom. This is true in both Chrome and Safari. I know there are plans to replace uReport. I'm definitely interested in being part of a resident testing group whenever there is a new system and/or upgrades to this one.

open #188139


Case Date:

Every time I come into that clerks office I am treated like complete garbage I do not work 100+ hours a week and then go in their to be treated like that the ladies in their give me a lot of sly and Rhude comments and don’t even answer my questions and it really makes me upset and I would just like to let you know it really pisses a lot of local town people off how they treat everyone especially men, seems like a woman only environment and I would like something done about it.

open #188561


Case Date:

Hello. The Mayor's bio lists serving on the Tithe Advisory Board. Can you provide information on what this is?

open #188847


Case Date:

We would like our home 512 W Allen St, Bloomington, IN to have a NO TRESPASS on our property. We don't want homeless people on our property.

open #189164


Case Date:

Why don’t you recognize the number of complaints surrounding homeless issues…encampments, nuisance and harassment since 90% of your complaints surround this issue? The needs to be recognition of the severity of this issue and it starts with the city government recognizing how much influence has on the negativity and safety of the entire community Yesterday in front of the library the was a homeless person yelling at top of his lungs and flailing his arms at anyone the dared walk past him…the entire issue is treated a a pass along.

open #192312


Case Date:

Heard Green Acres wants a conservation district. This is an inappropriate use of historic preservation protections. Historic preservation should be to preserve history, not to prevent development as a NIMBY tactic. This area should be able to grow and evolve to meet the density and environmental priorities of the City. There are other areas that have superior and unique historic structures. Don't make a joke of historic preservation. Please include this in public comment in the packet. The City needs a plan for historic preservation of choosing key areas of the City to protect. Blocking general development helps no one. Areas adjacent to campus should maximize student housing for the benefit of all residents.

open #192830


Case Date:

Opposing making Green Acres a Conservation District: I am writing today as a member of the real estate community here in Bloomington having been an agent for close to a decade. I'm also writing from my experience as a commissioner of both the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals for the past several years. I can very much value and appreciate the history and architectural history of the Green Acres neighborhood. I thank the residents who put in the work and told the story of how Green Acres has evolved from the beginning. Stories like these are worth telling and being displayed to the public as much as possible. As far as the petition itself to deem Green Acres a conservation district leading to full fledged historic district designation, I believe is a very broad overreach of the intentions of historical preservation. Having lived several years in the Near West Side/Prospect Hill neighborhood as well as having owned several properties in historic neighborhoods in other cities I can speak to the impact of this type of designation personally as well. Talking about a select handful of houses, which are notable and can be kept as such, and expanding that to include several hundred that have little to no historic significance is where the overreach comes into play. As a real estate agent and investor myself, I fully understand where many are coming from who oppose this broad reach. The point of historic designation is to single out properties that carry a story all their own, not to lump an entire neighborhood, with a large rental population and no historical significance, and confine the expansion and development that is desperately needed to support a growing University and the city as a whole. I've been a part of many discussions on the commissions which I serve about how we can balance preservation with expansion and development and I've seen cases where that blends very well together and is a win-win. This is not one of those cases but since it has been presented as such I'm strongly opposed to it. I believe the intentions are misguided and really crosses a line into government intrusion into the livelihood of many tax paying owners in that neighborhood who want to continue to house students and families at a time when more housing density, of any kind, is very much needed. There are checks and balances in place already to prevent what many are referencing as the Kmart type development here and I fully support the expansion of this neighborhood. I think the goal here should be to keep the current historically significant houses in Green Acres just as they are and work to preserve other individual properties one at a time. Not taking a very broad stroke and misusing the point of preservation in the first place and thus bottlenecking an area ripe for future development. Thank you for your time.

open #193544


Case Date:

A bit odd to have Black & Brown Arts on the same day as Pride maybe. If going to do so would have been great to have seen more collaboration between the City and Pride in cross-marketing, maybe a joint venture, or something that would make it feel a bit collaborative instead of potential to choose either or. Hard in a busy town to avoid other events, but these were both cultural festivals.