Parking Meters and Citations
1501-1645 West 3rd Street
- Case Date:
- 2/20/2014
I rec'd a parking ticket today and I want you to know why. I am not appealing it. First time users are at a loss when using the credit card. there should be easy to follow prompts on the screen, and posted somewhere close instructions as to how to use it. I thought I had 3 hrs, turned out I didn't. Procedures should be clear enough that this doesn't happen.
Parking Meters and Citations
161-199 North Lincoln Street
- Case Date:
- 4/20/2016
I just got a tickets because you claimed that I parked at Lot 5 without permit. However, according to the free parking place showed on your website, the Lot 5 is free for first three hours (in the metered non-reserved spaces only Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm). I'm pretty sure I didn't park at reserved place. Since this type of ticket cannot appeal, I've paid the ticket, but I just want to and need to know the reason why I've got this ticket.
Parking Meters and Citations
200-298 North Pine Street
- Case Date:
- 12/15/2014
There is a green sedan that has been sitting abandoned and vandalized on Pine street between Kirkwood and 6th for many months. It ought to be towed.
Parking Meters and Citations
211 W 10th ST
- Case Date:
- 9/30/2024
I was an Uber driver sitting westbound on 10th Street waiting for a passenger to come out of the student housing building. I was there less than 7 minutes in my vehicle and I was issued and obstructing traffic citation. The appeal was denied. Moving forward, how does the city want to deal with working vehicles obstructing traffic? Specifically, when semis block an entire Lane on Dunn or Kirkwood to unload beverage and food supplies to the various bars and restaurants? What about FedEx or Amazon delivery trucks that upstruct Lanes as well? Plus countless other rideshare drivers. If this citation is to be upheld, please let me know how to report continuous road obstruction violations that I see numerous times a day as I drive around the city working.
Parking Meters and Citations
216 S College AVE
- Case Date:
- 9/18/2017
Meter display is illegible - can't tell when time will expire. zone 7682, COLS 106-A
Parking Meters and Citations
222 W Kirkwood AVE
- Case Date:
- 11/1/2024
On Morton Street between Kirkwood and 6th. Delivery trucks regularly driving and parking the wrong direction.
Parking Meters and Citations
235 Clark Rd
- Case Date:
- 10/25/2024
I received a ticket in the mail for a parking citation in your town. I have never traveled to Bloomington, In nor has the vehicle associated with the plate number named on the citation.
Citation # is: 24204708224
Plate # is :188061
Parking Meters and Citations
284-298 North College Avenue
- Case Date:
- 3/16/2018
Yesterday I put money in meter COLS315-B and there was no display and the backlight did not come on. I was not sure if it had actually recorded my putting money in it or not.
Parking Meters and Citations
300-302 West 6th Street
- Case Date:
- 11/9/2013
I received a parking ticket on 11/09/2013 due to incorrect signage for the new parking meters. It is not clear which meter is for a specific parking space in front of Le Petit Cafe on 6th Street on the north side of the street. It is not clear that the space farthest to the east just next to the rails-to-trails path is a valid parking spot since the east side of the space has a yellow curb. Yellow curbs typically indicate "no parking." this are needs better signage. That space isn't even wide enough for the average car if it is even supposed to be a parking space. The curb should be repainted to clearly indicate if it is a parking space or not.
Parking Meters and Citations
301 North Madison Street
- Case Date:
- 5/3/2018
It would be great if the diagonal parking spots on S Madison St (200 block near city hall) could be re-striped. Also, some parking spots have numbers, but there are no corresponding numbers on the meters. As someone who parks here daily and works on this block, I can attest that many people have difficulty understanding which meters correspond to which parking spots. Just today I paid the wrong meter!