closed #171000
Biking & Walking
320 W 8th ST
- Case Date:
- 11/18/2019
7th and Union remains very unsafe to cross for bike path. Stop signs or cross walk or something needed. As Is the main East west crossing.
7th and Union remains very unsafe to cross for bike path. Stop signs or cross walk or something needed. As Is the main East west crossing.
Crosswalk at Atwater and Woodlawn never seems to say walk. Always don’t walk.
Treacherous bike riding jn "bike lanes" along Smith Rd. from E 3rd street up to 10th St. There are large sticks, large pieces of trash, grates that could cause tires to cause an accident. Bike lanes are no where near wide enough. You cannot count the 'gutter' area as a bike lane as its unevenness can catch tires and cause wrecks. Also, there must be several inches for a biker to be able to move over when a car comes around him/her dangerously close. You are asking for serious injury and even deaths if bikes are knocked out of the lane into the path of oncoming cars from either direction. I'd like to challenge anyone to try to stay in those dangerous, narrow lanes day in and day out on the commutes to work. If it is the law to allow bikers 3 feet for safety, cars need to see the definite boundaries of that 3 feet. Too many cars have passed me where I could reach out easily and touch the cars. They also pass me dangerously close to returning to their lane as oncoming cars approach.
I am very concerned about the cross walks on the B-line trail downtown. Cars are not stopping/yielding to people who are crossing. I was almost hit 3 times this week! And, I saw someone else almost get hit. Drivers of cars are not seeing the small sign that says yield State law that is posted in the middle of the cross walks. Can the city put in yield signs on the left of the crosswalks. We need more signage. It is very scary and I would not want anyone to get hurt. I know it is busy since students are back in town, but still people are not stopping and the city should make the signs more visible!
Renwick trail is very overgrown, two way travel is unsafe
bike path dug up. gravel down. dangerous to cyclists. this is the polly grimshaw path? corner of 8th and Overhill in Green Acres neighborhood
re: case #169222. Gov Holcomb signed HB 1236 into law, requiring motorists to provide 3 feet of clearance when passing cyclists. It seems as if there possibly was a violation here with the Crider and Crider truck passing too closely. It would be great if the police were aware of and can begin enforcing this law. Thanks.
Debris in West side bike lane of n Smith
Difficult to cross with bike from bike path that goes through underpass through green acres to campus at Union Street at times. Please have a safe bike signal or something to cross Union to campus and back.
My son is a bicycle commuter to North HS. We were thrilled last week that the bypass bike lanes were cleared. However, this morning the path was completely covered. He was disappointed and late for school, of course. We'll use an alternate route tomorrow, but wanted to alert the city to the fact that it appears INDOT tossed the snow onto the path.