
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (117)

closed #200573

Inaccessible Parking

401 N Morton ST

Case Date:

The wheelchair accessible van parking spot on Morton at eighth Street is where I usually park to attend CCA meetings. Ironically, it is filled with snow. The snow plows seem to use the accessible parking spaces as snow storage spots. Unacceptable and inaccessible!

closed #200556

Inaccessible Parking

215 E 6th ST

Case Date:

Accessibility issue. Snow was clearly deliberately plowed into the accessible parking space.

closed #200553

Inaccessible Parking

100 N Lincoln St

Case Date:

Marked accessible parking spot in a city parking lot is blocked by plowed snow

closed #200082

Inaccessible Parking

2432 S Winslow CT

Case Date:

Handicap parking spots aren't accessible, sidewalks are not clear.

closed #199759

Inaccessible Parking

200 N Gates Dr

Case Date:

This car parked here and the lady parked next to her was in a wheelchair and couldn’t get to her car because of this car.

closed #199630

Inaccessible Parking

405 W Patterson DR

Case Date:

Accessibility - there is an enormous dumpster placed across the sole accessible parking spot and access aisle outside of Southern Stone.

closed #199629

Inaccessible Parking

405 W Patterson DR

Case Date:

Accessibility - there is an enormous dumpster placed across the sole accessible parking spot and access aisle outside of Southern Stone.

closed #199375

Inaccessible Parking

3300 S Walnut St

Case Date:

White truck parking right on my car making it next to impossible to leave. Guest parking area at Hazel Briar Court. I also have a picture of license plate: CG2595 This is not the first issue neighbors have had with this car

closed #199137

Inaccessible Parking

303 E Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

Please remove the electric scooter pylons in the street in front of the handicapped space at Kirkwood and Grant. There is already a scooter parking area designated on the sidewalk. The street pylons are a hazard for handicapped parking citizens. Please remove these from the street.

closed #188909

Inaccessible Parking

1402 W 8th ST

Case Date:

I cannot park in the alley because my neighbor, David Arthur, told me I'm not allowed to park next to my house in the lot. I have a disability and a handicapped parking pass. I am deaf, and I need access to parking at home. David's black truck is out of order and parked in the backyard. He has four vehicles, and I cannot park next to him. I was told the city owns the alley. I need to know what I need to do to be able to park in the alley.