
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #182877

Inaccessible Parking

1004 W Country Club DR

Case Date:

There are two non-running cars in the parking lot. One is a silver/gold Chrysler sedan with expired temporary tags and windows open. The other is a blue compact Suzuki with expired temporary tags. There is a third running gold/silver Toyota sedan with dark covered tail lights and expired temporary tag. These cars are not legally registered in Indiana. They are taking up spaces in a complex that is over occupied and does not have enough parking for legal residents and cars as is. I thank you kindly for addressing this issue.

closed #182882

Inaccessible Parking

1004 W Country Club DR

Case Date:

There are two cars in the parking lot that are not running with expired temporarily Tags. One is a gold/ silver Chrysler sedan, with windows down. The other is a blue Suzuki compact car. There is a third gold/silver Toyota sedan with darkened tail lights. It has an expired temporarily tag as well. These cars are not legally registered in the state of Indiana and are taking up already sparse parking spaces meant for fully legal residents. Thankyou for your help.

closed #188159

Inaccessible Parking

1108 E 1st ST

Case Date:

Neighbors ignore the 4 foot free on either side of drive daily, this dude parked a further foot in drive, impairing visibility and access to drive. Yellow curb markings need to be repainted, hoping that will cut down on illegal parking. Almost got creamed pulling out last weekend as neighbor had extended cab pickup extending into drive on one side and car on the other. Please help before there’s a serious accident!

closed #173379

Inaccessible Parking

1122 E 1st ST

Case Date:

car parked yellow curb

closed #161179

Inaccessible Parking

1155 S College Mall RD

Case Date:

Truck parked illegally in between 2 handicapped spaces with expired handicapped decal in Kroger parking lot on 9/16/17 around 1PM

closed #167774

Inaccessible Parking

1231 S Fess AVE

Case Date:

1231 S. Fess has a large tree branch down that hangs into the street. Parking is at a premium in this area.

closed #160300

Inaccessible Parking

1315 S Dunn ST

Case Date:

Thank you for considering and responding to my recent report regarding the now faded parking spot lines in the 1200 - 1400 blocks of the south Dunn street neighborhood. Until such time as they can be re-painted (for visibility), can there be some increased parking patrols, as it is common to encounter vehicles parked on or over the lines, limiting space and creating a hazard (which just pushes the next car to park over, and so on like domino effect) down the street. Vehicles parked facing to wrong way in spots, as well as sometimes blocking the street or alleys, are also common occurrence. Thank you. (Email reply - if necessary - is preferable)

closed #151398

Inaccessible Parking

1326 S Dunn ST

Case Date:

Please have some parking patrols added for 1200-1400 blocks of S. Dunn street, as people are parking both the wrong direction (south instead of northward for the east side of the street) and across multiple spots (thus blocking spaces) due to the parking lines not being visible (which have not been repainted since the original development ten years ago).

closed #188638

Inaccessible Parking

2285 S Sweetbriar CT

Case Date:

Our neighbor at 2285 south Sweetbriar Court. Packs his boat on a trailer on street parking. I have seen Amazon driver not able to go between vehicles parked on street. Neighbor straight across has a big white work van on street. I'm concerned about a Senior neighbor that needs Access Bloomington for her MD appointments. Also, I wonder if an ambulance could get thru as well. Thank you. Concerned neighbor.

closed #200082

Inaccessible Parking

2432 S Winslow CT

Case Date:

Handicap parking spots aren't accessible, sidewalks are not clear.