closed #180078
Drainage or Runoff
1303 N Hancock DR
- Case Date:
- 5/26/2022
The ditch area, and currently un-mowed area on N Hancock Drive on the west edge of Crestmont Park, is CBU Street Department area. In an effort to reduce carbon footprint by mowing this strip seasonally, to decrease stormwater runoff into the overloaded culvert during rain events and to increase sustainability, native tree growth and pollinator habitat, this area could easily be a no-mow area. There are no overhead power lines at risk of native trees growing tall in this area. In addition, during an Adopt-a-Greenspace site survey it was noted invasive Tree of Heaven is growing in several spots along this strip. The Tree of Heaven MUST be chemically controlled and not mowed or more TOH trees will emerge. Crestmont Park and surrounding Crestmont landowners are engaged in supporting their woodland landscapes. Adding a no-mow strip along N Hancock is in keeping with the surrounding greenspace. I propose this strip be slated as a no-mow area for the above reasons. Thank you. Please note, the Tree of Heaven has been mapped for Vegetation Management to control. Thank you, Gillian