
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (154)

closed #200085

Street Snow Removal

1860 W Marquis Dr

Case Date:

Still don't have our alleyways clear. Hoping maybe someone can come by today.

closed #199903

Street Snow Removal

1860 W Marquis DR

Case Date:

We never had our alley ways and roads cleared. Most of us can't get out still. Would be much appreciated when you guys get a chance.

closed #199569

Blocked Street

1324 N Crescent RD

Case Date:

Multiple cars out dated tags,and blocking main road behind houses

closed #199431

Excessive Growth

1623 W Arlington RD

Case Date:

Yard hasn’t been mowed for months. Branches laying in ditch.

closed #199405

Utility Construction Projects

1330 N Crescent RD

Case Date:

about a 10" inch wide hole that's over a foot deep right in the middle of 17th street. I phoned this into 911 10/20/2024, but nothing has been done.

closed #198986

Excessive Growth

1312 N Crescent RD

Case Date:

yard not been mowed; trash bins not been brought up

closed #198982

Parking on Unimproved Surface

1312 N Crescent RD

Case Date:

These people are having people over all hours of the night & parking in my yard & the woman's yard on the other side. A Mr.Frosty ice cream truck was parked out there at midnight blocking my driveway. They do not mow their yard or pick up trash. It's bad!

closed #198632

Excessive Growth

1312 N Crescent RD

Case Date:

They have not mowed their yard in 2 months. It's nothing, but weeds. On our lease it says we must mow once a week. They have junk laying around. I have contacted management & they do nothing.

closed #193002

City Construction Projects

1307 W Gourley PIKE

Case Date:

Pavement in even, swerving cars due to pavement issues almost caused several accidents

closed #192894

Traffic Related Complaints

1100 W 17th ST

Case Date:

There is significant sediment tracking along N Arlington Rd down to the 17th Street roundabout. It appears it may be coming from the new jobsite, but the roadway is a complete mess. Please let the Planning and Transportation know about the sediment concern and if possible a street sweeper probably needs to get this cleaned up. Thank you!