Temporary Signage w/o permit
501 S Mitchell ST
- Case Date:
- 9/14/2015
Neighbors are wondering what this metal black box is, zip-tied to the entrance of the Eastside Neighborhood (where Hunter turns into the walking path on Mitchell). Is this something the City has installed and, if so, what is it? If it is not City-sanctioned, can it be removed? It's a little creepy. Thank you on behalf of Eastside neighbors.
Temporary Signage w/o permit
602 S High ST
- Case Date:
- 5/19/2014
IU.edu sign placed on fence advertizing a class.
Temporary Signage w/o permit
1915 E 1st ST
- Case Date:
- 4/24/2024
Yard sign at intersection promoting AT&T service for >30 days now. This is not legal, correct? They had yard service today and they made sure sign was again standing tall after they finished...
Temporary Signage w/o permit
1615 E University, Bloomington
- Case Date:
- 12/26/2024
'Thrasher Lawncare' sign in the grass close to the road. Hard to see on the map if this is ROW. Has been there for almost a year now.