
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (76)

closed #201413

Request a new Street Light

611 N Washington ST

Case Date:

Burnt out street light

closed #200743

Request a new Street Light

Case Date:

My report on 12/23 (#199755) was closed, but the two street lights are still not working; thanks

closed #200671

Request a new Street Light


Case Date:

There are no lights on this street, at all. The lack of light makes it feel even more unsafe and allows the transients in the area to break into cars and houses.

closed #200592

Request a new Street Light

303 E Southern DR

Case Date:

Additional request for street light. There have been multiple times where BPD has responded to fights and medical related issues at neighboring properties. At least 2x/month I am woken up late in the night by someone trying to open doors or windows. Last night someone slept on my closed-in front porch. Neighbors are also in support of a street light and have asked me to file this on their behalf as well. uR#199547 was most recent filed that I am aware of.

closed #200127

Request a new Street Light

411 North Lincoln Street Bloomington

Case Date:

When the city street department was doing some type of digging throughout the Bloomington streets in October , the streetlight in front of the house was disconnected and never hooked back up. The address is 411 North Lincoln street. I called and reported this but nothing has changed - the light is still not connected.

closed #199781

Request a new Street Light


Case Date:

Hello! I would like to request a street light on S. Hickory Grove Lane. It is very dark on our road and we have TONS of kids who actually play outside!! People drive down the road very fast (most of them are delivery people). It would help them see the kids. Most of the houses have their porch lights on, but the light from the porches doesn’t extend to the road. It would be much safer for all the kids. Thank you! -Kirsten Elliott

closed #199547

Request a new Street Light


Case Date:

There are no street lights and this is a very transient dangerous street. I feel extremely unsafe. The drug activity here years ago, seems to have returned.

closed #199426

Request a new Street Light

Case Date:

The streetlight at Stull Avenue and Grimes Lane is out. Can it be replaced? A number of children walk this way to the school bus in the morning. Thanks.

open #199385

Request a new Street Light

512 N Prow AVE

Case Date:

There's no lighting on this small street, and the sidewalks are somewhat uneven. Would be nice to have some lighting for when it gets dark so early.

closed #199363

Request a new Street Light

527 W 3rd St

Case Date:

W. 3rd does a dogleg at S. Jackson. NOWHERE within this awkward intersection is there a single streetlight: Not where W. 3rd dead-ends at the Paris-Dunning house, nor along the brief stretch where W. 3rd travels south briefly in concert with S. Jackson, nor where it becomes an independent entity once again and transforms into a One-Way street (although the bicyclists, traveling east along W. 3rd, in counterflow to the automobile traffic, refuse to believe this proclamation!) This seems to be an oversight.