closed #158470
Traffic Related Complaints
3874 S Laurel CT
- Case Date:
- 3/19/2017
Large commercial type trailer parked along the street on a regular basis. This is not a Peppergrass vendor.
Large commercial type trailer parked along the street on a regular basis. This is not a Peppergrass vendor.
uReport City of Bloomington, Indiana – John Hamilton, Mayor Login Cases Locations Report a problem closed: Resolved #158569 Regarding this case number. Did not know how else to respond. hope this works.
uReport <> To Apr 4 at 8:36 AM Closed by RayeAnn Cox Parking Officer went out to location twice, no trailer parked on laurel ct Regarding this parking issue. As a rep of the HOA I spoke with owner at 3873 Laurel regarding the truck and trailer parked in the street and the complaints I have received. I suggested that he park the vehicle elsewhere so as not to block the street. He indicated in was OK with the city, he pays assoc. fees, etc. I believe this is likely in violation of 15.32.060. I'm attaching two pictures including one from this afternoon. Thank you for your attention and two visits to the area. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. (apparently I can only send one at a time.)
Street light goes off and on during the night.
Crumbling sections at 675 Heather. Building & Architecture, Peppergrass Homeowners Association.
Walking hazard on two sections across from tennis court on north side of Heather. Building & Architecture, Peppergrass Homeowners Association.
Walking hazard on two sections just west of Laurel on north side of Heather. Building & Architecture, Peppergrass Homeowners Association.
In the northbound lane right near the church is a pothole that has been recently repaired but is huge & deep.
There is a hole on Baytree Ln. It is a prefect 12 inch circle implying something fits in it. It is 3 ft from the north side of Baytree Ln. At that location there is a parking lot with a sign that says, "THIS AREA FOR GUEST PARKING ONLY" on the north side. The address 3927 Baytree Ln is on the south side. This hole is very dangerous. A person walking there could not see it, setp in it and get badly injured. That could happen to me when I walk to my mail box. A person driving there could not see it, drive over it and get a bad jolt. That has happened to me. This situation needs to be taken care of.
big pothole in tire path on eastbound side near entrance of Peppergrass, on Heather near Walnut Street Pike. Thank you!