
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (52)

closed #163536


2308 S Woodbluff CT

Case Date:

The property at 2308 S Woodbluff Ct has a large accumulation of trash outside of the house. This has been the case for several months. See attached photo. Please do not disclose my identity to the property owners. Thank you

closed #193044


2207 E Queens WAY

Case Date:

After our trash pickup this morning, there a few large cracks on our trash bin, including the handle which is broken in half. Is it possible to get a replacement? Thank You!

closed #193074


2207 E Queens WAY

Case Date:

After the last trash collection, our bin is broken/cracked in a few places along the top, including the middle of the handle. Is it possible to get a replacement? It's the small size. Thanks!

closed #199853


2112 E Arden DR

Case Date:

Our cart sustains damage caused by City services this morning.

closed #201213


2713 E Rock Creek CT

Case Date:

Good morning. I live at 2713 E Rock Creek CRT and today was our trash and recycling pick up. Last night I took my two large trash receptacles and one large recycling receptacle to the end of my driveway. This morning I left around 845am to take my kids to school and there was only one trash and one recycling receptacle at the end of my driveway. I live on a cul-da-sac so I could easily check with my neighbors and it has not been dropped in their premises. Can someone please explain what happen to my second large trash receptacle? Thanks

closed #201214


2713 E Rock Creek CT

Case Date:

closed #198847

Traffic Related Complaints

2221 S High ST

Case Date:

Hello, I am the crossing guard for this spot outside of Child’s Elementary school. I have been having issues with people driving dangerously. I am worried about someone being hurt - including myself. People have yelled at me, given me hand gestures, and I have had people purposefully drive quickly towards me to only stop last second before hitting me. I am not the only one who has complaints about this. Nearly all the parents who walk their children through have this complaint and I can get their input too if necessary. I believe a speed radar sign or type of speed bump could help. This road is dangerous and I believe it is only a matter of time before there is an accident.

closed #158482

Street Lights

1927 S Montclair AVE

Case Date:

Is there any grant, funds to update neighborhood street lights? Our neighborhood was built in 1969 and the lights need to be updated. We would love to see the LED lights.

closed #136149

Street Lights

2306 E Arden DR

Case Date:

The light at Arden Dr and Sycamore ct is cycling on and off repeatedly. Thank you in advance for fixing us up.

closed #136150

Street Lights

2306 E Arden DR

Case Date:

The light at Arden Dr and Sycamore Ct is cycling on and off. Thanks in advance for helping us out.