
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #130635

Yard Waste

Case Date:

I am the Manager for Orchard Glen, there is a property behind ours, 3898 W. Gifford Rd., looks to be abandoned, the yard is filled with old furniture, household goods and trash, PLEASE can something be done, how unsightly and hazardous is this for our community, Please do something! Thank You

closed #132171

Yard Waste

701 S Eastside DR

Case Date:

For HAND: Please come check 701 S Eastside Drive. There have been 4 plastic bags with yard waste in them out in the yard. Obviously they cannot be picked up, there is a note with the reason why attached to one of the bags. The students in the house need a reminder that they cannot leave these bags there for weeks on end. Thanks.

closed #133108

Yard Waste

Case Date:

Pile of yard waste half on sidewalk, half in street in front of house 112 E First for about a week now.

closed #127235

Yard Waste

Case Date:

Hello: Here is your weird question of the week. Is it legal for me to have a farmer being in goats for the day or so to clear out weeds in my yard? Not permanent. Just a service. versus me fighting weeds with a weed whacker and round up.

closed #159741

Yard Waste

Case Date:

I used green sticker on large paper bags for yard waste but they were not picked up. What did I do wrong? 422 E Dodds St. NO NOtice was left. This is the 2nd time this happened on recycle pick up day.

closed #160077

Yard Waste

811 S Larkspur LN

Case Date:

Tree limbs by curb and in gutter of road for days now. Honestly, it will stay there forever until the city comes around; the people living here are renting and do not care at all about appearance/neighborhood. Only if they are forced via fines.

closed #160222

Yard Waste

1217 W Woodhill DR

Case Date:

Yard waste (pile of reeds) dumped into the trees overlooking the ditch stream by road and neighbor's fence line

closed #160291

Yard Waste

1301 W Woodhill DR

Case Date:

Piles of grass all over lawn and left on surrounding sidewalk and street curb

closed #160343

Yard Waste

901-911 South Palmer Avenue

Case Date:

my yard waste was not picked up today. 422 E Dodds St

closed #161003

Yard Waste

Case Date:

Your location map is not working. Why not having a manual input option? The location is 816 S. Larkspur Ln There are tree branches piled up on a street curb at this location. Please come to remove the branches. Thank you