
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #166674

Excessive Growth

1010 W 7th ST

Case Date:

The alley next to 1010 W 7th's fence has enough growth that it is impossible to pass by in a car without driving through it somewhat. Google street view of the location: https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1690232,-86.5456992,3a,75y,279.71h,50.73t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snZw5adElH-JNkW2fD42-vA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Thank you!

closed #167040

Temporary Signage w/o permit

2002 W 3rd ST

Case Date:

Bobcat of Bloomington .sign

closed #167215

Traffic Suggestions

501 N Morton ST

Case Date:

Left turn lane on 10th at Union and 10th badly needed. Constant backups waiting on one car. Or alternatively no left turn on 10th there permitted to Union either direction.

closed #167840

Traffic Related Complaints

2701 N Kinser PIKE

Case Date:

I have currently lived on Kinser Pike for a little over three years, but in this last year I have witnessed two accidents right in front of my home. Two others were witnessed by my neighbors, for a total of four this year alone (not including the semi that took out the utility pole at the skate park). Just this morning (3/20/2019), a car spun out and almost crashed into the timber once again while I sat in my kitchen. I am extremely concerned about the curve on Kinser Pike right after the skate park. Traffic has become unbearable since we truly only have one way in and out of the neighborhood and to BHSN. I have also witnessed several school buses exceeding the speed limit by what I would guess is at least 10 MPH. I ask the city to please consider looking into this issue as we have children who live on this street as well as pedestrians crossing the street or using the sidewalks. This is still a neighborhood and it needs to be treated like one, not a highway.

closed #168289

Blocked Sidewalk

501 N Morton ST

Case Date:

I see people fell down

closed #168405

Temporary Signage w/o permit

108 E 14th ST

Case Date:

Is Mr. Jake allowed to do this? Corner of Pete Ellis and E Third Street.

closed #168525

Temporary Signage w/o permit

555 N Morton ST

Case Date:

Since you have not told me yet whether signs like this are illegal, I have 2 more for you.

closed #168737

Traffic Suggestions

501 N Morton ST

Case Date:

Please put up a sign to prevent left turn from third to Union during busy times. Much better for flow.

closed #169174

Blocked Sidewalk

614 N Grant ST

Case Date:

Qué At Work cuando está el Work picases Off o velcro en una tris

closed #169376

Excessive Growth

311 E 11th ST

Case Date:

Weeds blocking sidewalk