Biking & Walking
307 E 7th ST
- Case Date:
- 10/28/2022
The lack of 4 way stops on 7th near Dunn is a severe hazard, resulting in several accidents. This is an extreme hazard for cyclists. Can someone from the city pedestrian and bicycle commission contact me about it. I would like to add it to the agenda at the next meeting in November.
Biking & Walking
407 E Kirkwood AVE
- Case Date:
- 6/11/2024
Missing tree grate. This is a trip hazard and not ADA compliant. Please replace tree grate or install pavers.
Blocked Sidewalk
316 E Cottage Grove AVE
- Case Date:
- 6/2/2021
Can’t use sidewalk
414 E Cottage Grove AVE
- Case Date:
- 12/8/2023
The ZBT Fraternity can be found through Google as being a fraternity house. They are on cease and desist as well as not able to operate in the neighborhood.
City Performance
309 E 7th ST
- Case Date:
- 5/15/2024
Dear city,
I would like to send sincere appreciation for Hank Duncan of the city Pedestrian and Cycling department.
He is highly creative and a real pleasure to work with - and is a true asset to the city for his willingness to be a partner in city bike safety.
Thank you, Hank - and well done!
Craig Medlyn,
Bloomington Bicycle Club, Safety Director
Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)
416 E Cottage Grove AVE
- Case Date:
- 8/28/2023
Building recently removed. Now, used construction materials are being stored on the empty lot. Is the property zoned for such use?
401 E Cottage Grove AVE
- Case Date:
- 3/14/2023
Along the north edge of property where the alley intersects Grant and under the junipers, there is an old, metal fence with a single stretch of barbed wire at the top. This is alongside a public alley, so the barbed wire should not be there, as per City Code 14.36.030 - "Barbed wire fences". It would suffice if the offending wire were removed.
- Case Date:
- 7/7/2023
This building has an extremely bright on the west side of the building that not only illuminates their property at night but also shines across Grant street and floods the houses across the street with sharp, glaring light. It is so blindingly bright that it is hazardous to walk down the steps of those houses at night. Can the city require that property owners face lights downward and/or ask them to install some sort of shielding so that the lights are not so offensive to the adjacent neighbors and neighborhood in general? It's bad enough that the building is so generic and tacky, but can the city prevent them from ruining the lives of people in other properties, all the while causing a hazardous situation to exist?
311 E Cottage Grove AVE
- Case Date:
- 1/18/2024
House has four very bright floodlights that shine horizontally away from the house in back, resulting in the three houses on the south side of 11th Street being drenched in glare all night long. Please ask them to at least shade the lights or reorient them so that they only illuminate their property and don't ruin the night-time for everyone else in the neighborhood.
311 E Cottage Grove AVE
- Case Date:
- 2/8/2024
Case #186806 is *not* "resolved". It has been over two weeks and the lights are still bright all night long. Has the City made any movement on this at all?