Animal Control & Neglected Pets
1900 E Windsor DR
- Case Date:
- 6/18/2020
Dead squirrel at the base of the Arden Place sign at the location indicated on the map. Squirrel appears to be roadkill that was moved right next to the side of the road under the Arden Place sign. There are many children and dogs walking in the area so it would be much appreciated if the dead squirrel could be removed.
Blocked Street
1900 E Arden DR
- Case Date:
- 6/29/2023
Tree blocking the road
Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)
2020 E Arden DR
- Case Date:
- 5/2/2021
So Hamilton won't do anything about the log pile mess between Arden and Greenbriar... "it's Duke / it's their contractor". OK, fine. You want to avoid dealing with problems YOU (Hamilton) have created. Do you want to do anything about all the felled street tree stumps and the problems they have created? I'm trying to mow around your stumps, but your garbage efforts have left large ruts, logs, and rocks around the stumps that are killing my mower. Meanwhile, TWO MONTHS later I'm still dealing with your garbage decisions, lazy refuse, and ugly mess left between stages of your extended endless programs of the "activity trail". FINISH IT.
Excessive Growth
2010 E Arden DR
- Case Date:
- 5/13/2021
This yard has not been cut this growing season, and has been a problem in the past. The landlord does not take care of the landscaping wall, and it is leaning over toward the sidewalk.
- Case Date:
- 3/7/2020
Every time I walk or bike by this house, a dog charges at me and scares the crap out of me and my kids. It is tied up but the leash is long and hard to see. The dog comes at us at full speed before hitting the end of the leash almost at the street. I’m tired of being terrorized and it can’t be good for the dog either.
- Case Date:
- 4/7/2021
During the fall of 2020, annual maintenance of the electric wires on the right side of the street (heading south) was done. I don’t know if it’s the city, Duke Energy, or a company who performs this task but today I am writing to complain about the results of the work. It affects the following locations
* Beginning at 1816 S High heading south through 2011 S High
* And again beginning at 2020 S High heading south through 2021 S High
As an avid gardener, it is painful to look at the way the trees are trimmed in the first place. This is the most egregious offense. And just as important, the trees and limbs that were removed are randomly thrown on the ground and it is a visual eyesore. When I look at this I wonder why all the trees aren’t just removed from both stretches on South High? Who is responsible for this mess and what can be done about it? It is shoddy work and our town of Bloomington shouldn’t allow for it.
- Case Date:
- 5/4/2023
There’s something small and silver glinting in the sun, not an airplane. Maybe a drone, but much, much higher than a personal drone. (I think) I don’t know how to estimate how high up it is. Are those allowed?
- Case Date:
- 7/11/2023
There’s a map that says this tree is on city property. I submitted a request to Duke to remove limbs over the power line to the street light. They cut off a couple of small branches but left branches that pull on the wire when it’s windy. The tree leans over the wire. The part of the tree over the wire should be taken down. It’s a mulberry.
- Case Date:
- 1/11/2024
There is a construction sign that was left in our yard from some work that was being done in the neighborhood awhile ago. I think it had to do with laying fiber, but I'm not sure. Can this sign be picked up?
Potholes, Other Street Repair
1916 E Arden DR
- Case Date:
- 8/10/2021
This house is on the corner of Arden and Windsor. The potholes are on the Windsor side of the house.