closed #99664
616 N Washington ST
- Case Date:
- 9/6/2004
bags must have stickers attached.
bags must have stickers attached.
Recyclables & non-recylables waste mixed. Items are not included in recycling program. Recyclable items not properly sorted. NO styrofoam, ect.
Exceeds weight limit of 40 lbs,
Bags must have sticker attached. 955
Recyclable items not properly sorted. Please sort paper from co-mingle 1st notice
Recyclable items not properly sorted Paper & co-mingle must be sorted.
Items not included in recycling program. No Strofoam
bags have no trash stickers attached
trash exceeds 40lb limit
Exceeds can limit of 32 gallons. Trash container nacceptable/PLEASE replace. Bags must have sticker attached. 955