- Case Date:
- 12/19/2022
Trash is routinely thrown out front door onto sidewalk. Woman routinely breaks glass and throws objects into street. Trash often remains for days before any cleanup occurs. The address is 617 N. Monroe. This happens throughout the day and night. Often items are thrown into neighbors properties. This situation needs to be addressed by authorities and the rental property owners and management. Situation has been constant since woman moved into home. A directory of rental properties needs to be available for neighbors to report directly to property managers and report ongoing issues. If legitimate complaints are not resolved, citations need to be issued by the proper government agencies.
Potholes, Other Street Repair
- Case Date:
- 12/20/2022
Regarding #182286 - I didn't report but thank you and everyone involved! 7th has become my goto for commute since lane improvements.
- Case Date:
- 12/20/2022
Sidewalk on 2nd Street--south side of street just west of College Ave-just west of that big Seminary Sq. sign--is cracked & literally caving in.Dangerous!
Animal Control & Neglected Pets
- Case Date:
- 12/20/2022
Residents have 2 small dogs, resorts to kicking cage and grabbing hard enough to harm in response to barking. In addition, I suspect they have the animals use the bathroom in their cage, as multiple bags of dog poop have been left outside their door.
- Case Date:
- 12/21/2022
Paid parental leave pilot program details needed. When will this information from the budget presentations be released?
City Construction Projects
- Case Date:
- 12/22/2022
The newly redone exit on Clarizz for Bloomingfoods East and the new apartment complex is too narrow by about 3 feet. It is nearly impossible for two vehicles to be in the intersection at the same time, and turning in or out is in-executable while another vehicle is present. Personally I have seen many instances that a car has to stop in the intersection to allow for a car to clear the way. This is a highly trafficked intersection that will only become more heavily traveled once the multiplex is finished and occupied. Thus, this intersection poses great risk for incident in its current configuration.
- Case Date:
- 12/23/2022
Power outage on 12/23/22 at 1:15 AM EST around 5921 E State Road 46, Bloomington IN
- Case Date:
- 12/23/2022
446 highway heading out to the lake is very slick and dangerous. Highly recommend more salt being put down so no gets hurt. We almost slid off the road tonight. Thank you for your time and hard work!
- Case Date:
- 12/23/2022
Water supply seems to be non functional. No water to address. Wondering if possibly frozen.
- Case Date:
- 12/26/2022
The alley behind 630 N Morton Cedarview Management had about 1.5 inches of ice covering it. I run Republic Services trash company. Our trucks cannot access this customer due to that.