closed #127969
- Case Date:
- 8/20/2012
318 E. 3rd St Jamar properties building has graffiti on back side of building
318 E. 3rd St Jamar properties building has graffiti on back side of building
4th and walnut....sign near parking garage has graffiti
4th and way sign has graffiti
9th and dunn sign on northwest corner (one way) has graffiti
9th and dunn (northeast corner) back of stop sign tagged with graffiti
9th and dunn (southwest) one way sign tagged with graffiti
9th and prow one way sign and speed limit sign tagged with graffiti
414 Harold....Parking sign had graffiti...tenant ask to remove ...
421 E. 3rd.. stone facing dunn st. has graffiti
Alley between Kirkwood and 6th streets has metal electrical panel box tagged with graffiti