closed #73416
1205 N Glandore DR
- Case Date:
- 7/19/2011
recyclable items not properly sorted. Roger Todd did a courtesy pick up for resident.
recyclable items not properly sorted. Roger Todd did a courtesy pick up for resident.
Resident was issued written notices on 6/21/2011, 7/5/2011, and 7/19/2011 for failure to properly sort recyclable items.
Over-grown weeds.
Over-grown with weeds and grass making it difficult to pull onto the road. caller liver behind 1623 Arlington. Also check the adjacent vacant lot.
Recyclables and non recyclabes mixed. Recyclable items not properly sorted.
Bags and cans must have a sticker attached.
Recycable items not properly sorted. 946
Recycable items not properly sorted. 946
Recycable items not properly sorted. 946
Recycable items not properly sorted. 946