closed #137423
710 S Rose AVE
- Case Date:
- 4/22/2014
This speedbump, on East 1st, between Eastside & Rose, is surrounded by potholes. The attached picture faces west. There always seems to be water standing here. It is unclear whether it is bubbling up from below the ground, or is some sort of stormwater runoff, but it seems to be eroding the street here.
1st St @ S. Rose Ave NW corner stop sign
sort 939
I am a bicyclist and must use the sidewalks occasionally because of lack of bike lanes. At 701 S. High St., there is a culvert that borders the house and the apartment building. Weeds are growing out of the culvert and blocking the sidewalk, creating a hazard. It's not clear if it's the homeowner's responsibility or the city's to remove the weeds. Weeds are also protruding from the property onto the sidewalk.
cart must be at curb for service
Fire hydrant is leaking.