
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (665)

closed #165895

Street Lights

1717 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

light out across from 1717 E Hunter. Goes off/on every ten minutes

closed #144674

Yard Waste

1718 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

closed #139281

Yard Waste

1718 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

closed #149142

Yard Waste

1721 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

must have sticker 944 EWS

closed #131940

Yard Waste

1725 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

closed #167771

Drainage or Runoff

1725 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

After the heavy storm a month ago the parking strip (city property) in front of 1725 East Hunter Ave was severely eroded with the gravel/crushed stone swept down the street and the tarmac beginning to crumble. The city installed a storm water sewer in this location a couple of years ago but it doesn't catch the surface drainage from Hunter. The upstream neighbour has heavy round river pebbles in their parking strip which seem to resist erosion. Could something like this be put in the problem area? Or is there some other solution?

closed #200083

Street Snow Removal

1725 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

The entire block of E. Hunter from High Street to Eastside Drive has not been plowed or salted. It's particularly bad between Rose and Eastside, and on the block of Rose between Atwater and Hunter. It's pretty much a sheet of ice covering the entire road. My 92-year-old dad hasn't been able to walk outside because it's too dangerous. I'm afraid to drive on it. Can someone please plow and salt this block so we're not trapped? Thank you.

closed #144675

Yard Waste

1727 E Hunter AVE

Case Date:

closed #127256


1795 E Maxwell LN

Case Date:

closed #146112

Yard Waste

1795 E Maxwell LN

Case Date:

must have stickers 944 EWS