
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (130)

closed #199742

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1116 S Cricket KNL

Case Date:

large pothole at edge of road in front of driveway on the lefthand side

closed #199308

Street Trees

964 S Graywell DR

Case Date:

There is a rather large broken tree limb hanging over the street that will likely fall during one of those windy gusty days this Fall or Winter. The limb is too high in the tree for me to pull down. Can the City remove that broken limb? The tree is in the city right-of-way. Thank you.

closed #189154

Debris Removal (Sand, General Street Debris)

4403 E Carrington CT

Case Date:

A tree limb fell onto Cricket Knoll. It is blocking one lane of traffic. I also sent an email to smithh@bloomington.in.gov.

closed #187976

Drainage or Runoff

1119 S Graywell DR

Case Date:

Currently there is no proper rain water drainage on one side of the entire Graywell drive road. The road is eroding on one side since rain water flows over the road. Recently we had lot of rain as well and it has further eroded one side of the road. Can Bloomington Utilities install proper rainwater drainage so that roads don't need to be repaired again and again? It would be ideal if rain water can be discharged under the road. This will save lot of road repair costs. Thank you for helping the city with your work.

closed #185656

Street Lights

4330 E Whitley DR

Case Date:

closed #185655

Potholes, Other Street Repair

1018 S Carleton CT

Case Date:

Potholes across the road after you turn west onto Gentry from 446, impossible for bikes to ride through it without taking a beating from the rough pavement.

closed #185176

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

1040 S Graywell DR

Case Date:

Huge wasp nest in city tree on left side of driveway of 1040 S Graywell Dr. Already stung several people including minors.

closed #184392

Water Quality

1004 S Gentry CT

Case Date:

Water pressure has been low. I am not sure whether this is an issue for my house or my neighbors are suffering as well

closed #183823

Excessive Growth

914 S Rainier CT

Case Date:

yard has not been mowed all year

closed #180870

Water Utility Problems

1028 S Duncaster CT

Case Date:

Water pressure lower than normal.