closed #193599
Blocked Street
214 E 11th ST
- Case Date:
- 9/18/2024
Alleyway blocked by parked vehicle
Alleyway blocked by parked vehicle
Recycling can blocking sidewalk for several days.
Trash and/or recycling bins sitting by street
Trash and/or recycling bins sitting by street (12th Street side)
Trash bins being stored on street.
Case #193318 refers to 801 N. Lincoln.
Nearly identical to case #188757 involving previous tenant at this location, and generally to cases #193315, #193314, and #193039. New tenant has been observed driving west from Lincoln along 11th Street against the one-way direction to get to alley where parking spot is located. Car was a BMW SUV with Indiana (Elkhart County) license plate.
There is a series of about eight decorative street lights (green metal, antique style) in the ROW that stretch from 411 N. Lincoln to 523 N. Lincoln along the west side of the street. They are similar to ones down near the Grant Street Inn. Several of them have been broken off near the base and all but one of them (the one in front of 411) are burned out. If they are not being used, maybe they should be removed because it's a pain to mow around them.
Trash and recycling on sidewalk
Meter cover on north side of driveway has been dislodged, creating a stepping hazard in the dark.