
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (34318)

open #200270

Blocked Sidewalk

228 W Kirkwood AVE

Case Date:

All other nearby property owners have shoveled their sidewalks, why not this one?

open #200268

Sidewalk & Curb Complaints

308 W 4th ST

Case Date:

The B-line sidewalk between 4th & Kirkwood is a sheet of ice. The sidewalk from the B-line to cross Morton Street and Gentry are almost impassable, definitely don't meet City code of being cleared 36 inches. This is the City's public sidewalk.

open #200261

Sidewalk Snow Removal

812 N Washington ST

Case Date:

Why was case# 199981 marked resolved??? The sidewalk has not been touched. This house has two addresses, 812 and 814.

open #200259

Blocked Sidewalk

417 W 6th ST

Case Date:

Solid ice on the sidewalk. everyone else around has cleared their sidewalks.

open #200257

Biking & Walking

606 N Smith RD

Case Date:

Sidewalk on N. Smith Rd for Granite property has remained unshoveled & unsalted since first snow fall of this year, forcing as a disabled man to walk in the street.

open #200251

Sidewalk Snow Removal

1101 W 6th ST

Case Date:

No attempt to clear the sidewalk after either recent snow.

open #200250

Sidewalk Snow Removal

1017 W 6th ST

Case Date:

No attempt to clear the sidewalk after either recent snow.

open #200249

Sidewalk Snow Removal

1005 W 6th ST

Case Date:

Icy sidewalk!!

open #200248

Sidewalk Snow Removal

905 W 6th ST

Case Date:

No attempt to clear sidewalk after either recent snow.

open #200247

Sidewalk Snow Removal

903 W 6th ST

Case Date:

Icy sidewalk!