
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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closed #200091

Parking on Unimproved Surface

743 S Park Square DR

Case Date:

A man has been living in the camper in the driveway for the last months. The generator noise is becoming a nuisance. The truck is also destroying the grass on the south side of the property

closed #199676

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

410 S Village CT

Case Date:

Just had 3 chickens roaming neighborhoods for months and months and months. Tearing up mulch beds, plants, grass, wishing well we had on porch, pooping everywhere. They are finally dealt with now we have another black chicken doing the same. Another neighbor thought they could do the same because of the 3 that roamed freely for so long. Thanks for getting the first three taken care of. These people believe they can do whatever they want in the city limits.

closed #199485


530 S Parkway DR

Case Date:

I have multiple photos but it will not allow me to upload. They are repeatedly throwing trash in their yard and it gets into my yard and I have to clean it up they leave the trash bins out all week and it’s going to cause animals and I’ve tried talking to them but nobody will ever come to the door they have lived here less then a year and I am constantly having to pick up their trash out of my yard and it makes the neighborhood look trashy.

closed #199316

Temporary Signage w/o permit

510 S Westwood DR

Case Date:

4’ X 5’ political yard sign still up more than 5 days past Election Day. Need educated on city ordinance covering signs, and comply.

closed #193814

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

519 S Village CT

Case Date:

Now 4 chickens roaming the street and all yards and porches, plus neighbor up the road thinks it's ok to have chickens roaming also. It's to the point where it's out of hand none of us neighbors can have anything nice because they're destroying everything they're attracting flies to all trash cans and fleas to our properties and it seems like the city is more worried about recycling and trash than they are other problems please help this has went on long enough!

closed #193432

City Construction Projects

519 S Village CT

Case Date:

3 chickens running wild, maybe more. They are in all of our flower beds digging mulch, tearing up plants. Also they are creating flys everywhere which leads to maggots in trash cans. Someone has to do something please.

closed #193252

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

519 S Village CT

Case Date:

There are 3 to 5 chickens/roosters that roam free all around our road and cul-de-sac. At first it was ok, but we have dogs and they are trying to get them (we our animals housed and in our own yards on a leash) They are in our yard and neighbors more than on their own property anymore. All our trash cans have tons of flys and maggots since they have been around. The people do not take care of them they just let them roam free and can bet they don't have permits either. I'm speaking on behalf of most my neighbors also. Please help get rid of these things it's went on long enough. Please and thank you for whoever helps this is become a major problem. Not to mention there could be bird flu with no proper meds or upkeep on the birds.

closed #193232

Excessive Growth

731 S Parkway DR

Case Date:

Overgrown yard, especially in the back. Bushes block entrance to the house. Three children living in the house who are exposed to poison ivy along the fence line. Dumpster in the driveway, as well as two broken down vehicles that haven't been moved in many months.

closed #193184


4391 W Belle AVE

Case Date:

4391 W Belle Avenue—trash pick-up was fine, but they never got my recyclables. Went there at lunch to put bins in garage. Left it out thinking that maybe they’re now coming much later for recyclables. I put it back in garage after 5pm as neighbors bins were all away.

closed #192510

Blocked Street

429 S Harvey DR

Case Date:

Vehicles parked on street blocking view for residents on the street trying to back out of driveways