closed #92960
312 E 16th ST
- Case Date:
- 3/13/2006
Recyclable items not properly sorted. DO NOY MIX
Recyclable items not properly sorted. DO NOY MIX
Recyclable items not properly sorted.DO NOT MIX
Bags must have sticker attached. NO TAGS 3RD NOTICE 944
Weight limit of 40 lbs, Exceeds can limit of 35 gallons. TOO heavy.
Weight limit of 40 lbs 954
Bags must have sticker attached. All trash must have stickers attachded. courtesy pick-up/ LDB Dir. Sanit. (lot 85, 86 ) Courtesy pick up X 2.
Weight limit of 40 lbs, Too heavy 140 lbs.
Bags must have sticker attached.
Weight limit of 40 lbs, Exceeds can limit of 35 gallons. 45 gallons. 2 cans 1180 lbs/60 lbs. 955
Exceeds Weight limit of 40 lbs, 950 .