
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (114)

closed #172599

Potholes, Other Street Repair

West 7th Street

Case Date:

Alley between W 6th & 7th and between Maple and Fairview needs To have holes filled in to prevent standing water and mosquitoes breeding. Thank you

closed #200622

Potholes, Other Street Repair

W Bloomfield Rd

Case Date:

Hole in pavement where recent water line break was repaired. Needs filled in as my truck suffered misalignment. Thank you.

closed #184082

Potholes, Other Street Repair

W 17th St, Bloomington, IN 47404, USA

Case Date:

Pothole near covered water access/manhole type area on 17th Street going east. Nearest intersection is 17th and Woodlawn, but the pothole is before you get to 17th and Woodlawn if you are going east on 17th Street. It is in the concrete area surrounding the manhole.

closed #193354

Potholes, Other Street Repair

Spicewood Ln

Case Date:

The city of Bloomington utilities replace many water mains in April. Our asphalt has still not been repaired and replaced.

closed #193355

Potholes, Other Street Repair

Spicewood Ln

Case Date:

The city of Bloomington utilities replace many water mains in April. Our asphalt has still not been repaired and replaced.

closed #185956

Potholes, Other Street Repair

N Browncliff Ln, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA

Case Date:

The street is really starting to fall apart in places, particularly on the sides of the road. There are several places where the decay is so pronounced that it has become dangerous to mow (because of large, hidden, chunks of asphalt. In other areas there is little to no proper drainage because of crushed culverts, etc. A recent water main break has also caused a very large pothole which will obviously deteriorate as winter approaches. As with other potholes in the past, this means that cars need to pay attention to the potholes, sometimes swerving to avoid. Since the street has no sidewalks (and in some places not even grassy places to walk) yet is home to many elementary school children who walk to and from the busstop each day, this is particularly dangerous, especially for drivers who do not live on the street (like Amazon, UPS and other drivers.) Please take a look at these situations at your earliest convenience.

closed #172316

Potholes, Other Street Repair


Case Date:

Water coming up from under street at the corner or 15th and North Fairview has caused 3' deep holes.

closed #174340

Potholes, Other Street Repair

E Woodstock Pl, Bloomington, IN 47401, USA

Case Date:

Several potholes along Woodstock street and intersection of Woodstock and High Street. Water, debris, and dirt collection is excessive.

closed #200575

Potholes, Other Street Repair

E Third and College Mall Rd intersections

Case Date:

Can something be done about the two further and further subsiding closures of the recent water-main break repair at Third and College Mall Rd?

closed #138585

Potholes, Other Street Repair

E State Road 46 Bypass

Case Date:

Water stands after it rains. It is usually quite a bit there and fairly deep.