
City of Bloomington, Indiana


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Search Results: (1533)

closed #200876

Potholes, Other Street Repair

5350 W Cobblestone ST

Case Date:

2 potholes at this location

closed #200780

Utilities Yardwork

654 S Solitude CT

Case Date:

water from bathroom and toilet not going down.

closed #200731

Water Utility Problems

3714 W Oak Leaf DR

Case Date:

Lower water pressure in the neighborhood and running water in the ditch next to the road

closed #200730

Water Utility Problems

3714 W Oak Leaf DR

Case Date:

Lower water pressure in the neighborhood and running water in the ditch next to the road

closed #200336

Potholes, Other Street Repair

2115 S Yost AVE

Case Date:

I saw 2 very deep potholes at 2115 S Yost Avenue today. It was too late to noticed them and it really damaged my car. I request urgent repair for this.

closed #200226

Potholes, Other Street Repair

350 S Liberty DR

Case Date:

There is a gigantic pot hole there. I turned right onto liberty drive and as soon as I turned there was a pot hole right infront of Kroger on liberty drive. It messed up my truck and on the way home I almost crashed several times. Now it feels like it is something wrong with either the front end or the tires one of the two. I am going to go get it looked at

closed #200164

Animal Control & Neglected Pets

6140 W Duvall Rd

Case Date:

Dog belonging to neighbor, Brittney Powers, continually trespasses our property, agitating our pets, opening doors and coming inside our home leaving mud stains on our carpets, and getting into our trash. We have repeatedly contacted the owner, but she says her dog doesn’t mind their invisible fence and keeps getting out. This situation has been going on for months. We are very frustrated and think that this is not a responsible pet owner.

closed #200105

Street Snow Removal

5612 W Cobblestone ST

Case Date:

Lots of snow is still covering the road. There is no visibility of sidewalks. Cars are going to slide.

closed #200091

Parking on Unimproved Surface

743 S Park Square DR

Case Date:

A man has been living in the camper in the driveway for the last months. The generator noise is becoming a nuisance. The truck is also destroying the grass on the south side of the property

closed #200067

Sidewalk Snow Removal

3939 W Roll AVE

Case Date:

Snow needs shoveled on the walk way. Snow plow pushed snow into walkway. No one salted area very slick