
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

Environmental Commission


Type seated
Year Formed 1971
Statutory Name Environmental Quality and Conservation Commission
Website https://bloomington.in.gov/boards/environment
Video Archive http://catstv.net/government.php?issearch=govt&meeterid=559
Email environment@bloomington.in.gov
Phone Number 812-349-3423
401 N Morton St Suite 130 Bloomington IN 47404
calendarId bloomington.in.gov_gifsbt66d0cra0iuha44ih41q4@group.calendar.google.com


PURPOSE: Established in 1971 by municipal ordinance, the Bloomington Environmental Commission (EC), formerly known as the Environmental Quality and Conservations Commission, is a voluntary advisory body composed of citizens appointed by the Mayor and Common Council. The mission of the EC is to advise the City on how its actions and policies may preserve and enhance the quality of Bloomington’s environment, including the life-supporting processes that natural ecological systems provide to humans and other organisms. For current vacancies, please refer to the list of members

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Commissioners must reside within the municipal boundary. Preference will be given to applicants with expertise in one or more areas of physical, biological, or environmental sciences; sanitation and recycling; public health; or conservation.

DUTIES: The EC actively participates in the city planning process; researches and reports on environmental topics; develops educational materials; responds to inquiries from residents; and coordinates with other municipal boards and commissions, and other organizations on issues of mutual interest.

TIME COMMITMENT: 5 hours per month

COMPENSATION: Each member of the commission does not receive compensation for their service.

Meeting Schedule

Regular meetings are generally on the third Thursday every month at 6:00pm, and working group meetings convene as needed. It is expected that all members will be active in EC projects by attending monthly meetings and working group meetings. The time required to fulfill the EC duties are approximately four hours per month.

Statute Citation


Planning & Transportation


Departmental Rachael Sargent