
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

Peak Oil Task Force


Type seated
End Date 12/2/2009
Statutory Name Peak Oil Task Force
Website https://bloomington.in.gov/peakoil
Video Archive

Duties are to acquire and study current and credible data and information on the issues of oil and natural gas production and depletion and the related economic and socio-cultural implications; to seek community feedback on vulnerabilities and possible solutions; to coordinate planning efforts with county, state and federal entities; to develop a Bloomington Peak Oil Task Force Report for approval by the Mayor and Common Council outlining strategies the City and community might pursue to mitigate the effect of declining fuel supplies in areas including, but not limited to: transportation, municipal services, energy production and consumption, food security, water and wastewater, to work to educate the community about the impeding energy shortage in the interest of encouraging businesses and residents to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Task Force completed its report and is no longer active.

Meeting Schedule

Statute Citations

