
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

Commission on Sustainability (2 Vacancies)


Type seated
Year Formed 2005
Statutory Name Commission on Sustainability
Website https://bloomington.in.gov/boards/sustainability
Video Archive http://catstv.net/government.php?issearch=govt&meeterid=112
Email sustain@bloomington.in.gov
Phone Number 812.349.3837
401 N Morton St Suite 150 Bloomington IN 47404
calendarId bloomington.in.gov_ndl6omraubla6pucoqksbbm1mg@group.calendar.google.com


PURPOSE: The City of Bloomington Commission on Sustainability (BCOS) promotes economic development, environmental health, and social equity in our community for present and future generations. The commission gathers and disseminates information; promotes practical initiatives; and measures, monitors, and reports on our community's progress toward sustainability.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Sustainability is an interdisciplinary concept. As such, the commission's membership shall reflect environmental, social and economic perspectives, unified by the common interest of sustainability. The commission shall draw its members from government, business, academia, not-for-profits and neighborhood associations.

DUTIES: The commission shall have the following powers and duties: (A) To coordinate ongoing and to propose and promote new sustainability initiatives among residents, businesses, governmental, nongovernmental agencies and educational organizations through education and outreach programs; (B)To advise and make recommendations to the Bloomington common council, city administration, and city boards and commissions on policies and programs that infuse the work of city government with an operating philosophy based on sustainability; (C)To determine, in cooperation with other city boards and commissions, Bloomington's current and future sustainability status by developing and monitoring a set of sustainability indicators; (D)To provide, in cooperation with other city boards and commissions, an annual "sustainability assessment" based on said indicators. The assessment shall be included in an annual report and provided to the common council, mayor and the public; (E)To advise, consult and cooperate with other agencies, boards and commissions of the city of Bloomington, the state, other local governments, industries, other states, interstate or interlocal agencies, and the federal government, and with interested persons or groups on matters of sustainability; (F)To adopt administrative rules and regulations for the conduct of its business; and, (G)To research and apply for grants or other funds or gifts from public or private agencies for the purpose of carrying out any of the provisions or purposes of this section.

TIME COMMITMENT: 2 hours per month

COMPENSATION: Each member does not receive compensation for their service.

Meeting Schedule

BCOS meets regularly on the second Tuesday of each month, at 6pm in the McCloskey Room at City Hall.

Statute Citations




Departmental Shawn Miya
Legal Larry Allen