
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

Environmental Resources Advisory Council (1 Vacancy)


Type seated
Year Formed 2015
Website https://bloomington.in.gov/boards/erac
Video Archive
Email rebecca.swift@bloomington.in.gov
Phone Number 812.349.3759
401 N. Morton St., Suite 250 Bloomington IN 47404
calendarId bloomington.in.gov_gc66ngj5ihsrg5da3t2ivrrjl4@group.calendar.google.com


PURPOSE: The Environmental Resource Advisory Council acts in an advisory capacity to the Board of Park Commissioners in all policy matters pertaining to the operations of City natural areas or facilities. The ERAC also assists in the formulation of policies relating to the use and protection of environmentally sensitive and natural areas.

The ERAC also works closely with the Environmental Commission, the Bloomington Tree Commission, and local public, private, and semi-private organizations in a mutually cooperative manner for the betterment of the environment.

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: The Environmental Resources Advisory Council (ERAC) is made up of five regular voting members, and four special voting members representing the City of Bloomington's Environmental Commission, the City of Bloomington Utilities Service Board, one member with expertise in natural resource management, and one member with expertise in outdoor recreation and environmental education. One special, non-voting member serves as the liaison from the Bloomington City Council.


TIME COMMITMENT: 1.5 hours per month


Meeting Schedule

The Environmental Resources Advisory Council (ERAC) meets the second Wednesday of every even-numbered month from 4:30-6 p.m.

Statute Citations




Departmental Rebecca Swift