
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

2014 Ordinance 14-22 (Passed)

TO AMEND TITLE 15 OF THEBLOOMINGTON MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED “VEHICLESAND TRAFFIC” – Re: Stop and Signalized Intersections, One Way Streets, Restricted Turns on Red Light, Parking on Unimproved Surfaces, Angle Parking, NoParking, Bus Zones, and Appeals of Parking Violations

This ordinance makes several changes to the Bloomington Municipal Code. Thisincludes stop intersections, signalized intersections, one-way streets, restrictedturns on red at signalized intersections, parking on unimproved surfaces, noparking zones, on-street parking meter zones, and bus zones. Also included is anew provision which prohibits the parking of motor vehicles on an unimprovedsurface. Additionally, the list of individuals who are permitted to challenge a trafficcitation is expanded to include a representative of those persons already permittedto register a challenge (persons already permitted include the owner, the driver, and attorney representing either the owner or driver).

Amends CodeNo
Committee 10/22/2014 7-0-1(Volan)Neher absent
Final 10/29/2014 Passed 8-0 (Sandberg absent)