
City of Bloomington, Indiana – Kerry Thomson, Mayor

City Council

Appropriation Ordinance 74-04 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 74-04 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the Special Funds, Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated, of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments

Resolution 74-03 (Passed) download

Resolution 74-03 Investment Resolution Revenue Sharing Trust Fund and NDP Fund- Redevelopment Department Both at $100,000 to Mature in 30 Days

Appropriation Ordinance 74-03 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 74-03 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the Special Funds, Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated, of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments 

Appropriation Ordinance 74-02 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 74-02 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the Special Funds, Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated, of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments 

Appropriation Ordinance 74-01 (Passed) download

Appropriation Ordinance 74-01 An Ordinance Specially Appropriating from the General Fund, Expenditures Not Otherwise Appropriated, of the City of Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, to Meet the Extraordinary Emergencies Found to Exist in the Various Departments 

Resolution 74-00 (Passed) download

A Resolution Authorizing the Taking of an Appeal to the State Board of Tax Commissioners from Reductions to the City of Bloomington Budgets and Tax Levy of the Year 1975 by the Monroe County Board of Tax Adjustment